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February 01, 2008

Blame it on Dora

Tonight Hunter was having a book (The very hungry caterpillar) read to him by Mum. They get to the final page and Hunter says:

"Look at the colors... Rojo, Azul, Verde"

Thats Spanish for Red, Blue and Green. It's all Dora the Explorer's fault. He knows that Red is Red, but it's also Rojo. Good thing Mum and Dad watch Dora with him, otherwise we'd be busy "correcting" him! (I thought Azul was the bad demon from Ghostbusters!)

He did a similar thing when climbing the ladder at the park on the weekend, saying "abajo" as he went up the steps. Almost got it, "abajo" is "down".

Posted by Kevin at February 1, 2008 09:02 PM

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