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October 08, 2007

Trains, Trains, Trains

Over the last few months Hunter and I have spent quite a few Sundays looking at trains.
First there were the model trains at a local model train show:

Hunter admiring a model train

and then we all went to Mooroolbark Miniature Railway where we rode on many trains. Great value at under $2 per ride, and LONG rides. There's even a tunnel!

Hunter and mummy on a train

Then, one sunday while Mum was having a nap we visited the National Steam Center which is just down the road from our house. We rode on the miniature train, and had the good fortune to take a ride in a real Steam Engine (circa 1930's)

Hunter enjoyed it so much we took Mum the following Sunday :-)

Hunter and mummy on another train

Posted by Kevin at October 8, 2007 03:01 PM

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