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May 09, 2004
We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo
Erica and I went to Melbourne Zoo yesterday and took a heap of photos. Lots of monkeys and giraffes and other cool animals :-)
Here is the Zoo photo gallery
No shots of butterflies because I foolishly walked straight into the enclosure, fogging up the whole kit :-) Erica got a few with the G2, but next time I'll have to work out how to get in there without the fogging/dew on the lens.
The lens tends to get some problems in bright areas at 210mm but it's doing pretty well for my price range (i.e. almost nothing)
I shot most at ISO-400 in 'P' mode, using a monopod. It was fairly overcast at the time, but there are some pretty cool photos in the gallery.
Next I'd really like to go to the Werribee Open Range zoo.
Posted by Kevin at May 9, 2004 08:59 PM
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Hey you guys, I love your web site. I can keep in touch with you. Erica, I will have to catch up with you, I miss you....
Keep in touch,
Posted by: nancy egan at January 2, 2005 05:59 PM
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